OTTAWA, SEPTEMBER 26, 2018—Raylene Lang-Dion, Ottawa City Council candidate for Alta Vista ward, today released a complete statement of contributions made to her campaign to date. She is doing so in keeping with her commitment to transparency and in light of the ethical questions raised by Jean Cloutier’s acceptance of personal contributions from members of the development community.
“I have been clear from the start of this campaign that I want to avoid any real or perceived conflict of interest. In that regard, I have previously stated that I will purposely not accept donations from developers, their associates or their family,” said Lang-Dion.
Releasing this information now – one full week before the commencement of advance polls, not five days before Election Day as suggested by her opponent – is a reflection of Lang-Dion’s commitment to be open and honest throughout the campaign. “This is one more step in offering clarity and reassurance to the voters of Alta Vista that as their next councillor, they can count on me to be impartial, represent their interests and never let others feel they have an inside track. I suggest that other candidates may wish to do the same.”
The information released in the unaudited voluntary statement of contributions is in a form similar to what is required following the election, in the candidate’s audited Financial Statement – Summary of Contributions and includes the name, full address, date received and amount of every contribution over $100, as well as the total amount of contributions under $100.
Please see the attached for details.
For more information
Bea Vongdouangchanh
Bravo! That is real transparency and accountability. Your move, Jean Cloutier.